StepYour Strategy

Strategy with LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®

Great strategy is developed from within an organization: no one knows your business better than you and your team. Unfortunately, getting the team together, focused and participating can be a challenge, and even if you are able to accomplish that, often only 20% of the people do 80% of the talking. Lego Serious PlayGreat ideas from key people are often left unseen and unheard. People may say they agree, but often they are just complying to avoid conflict and get out of the meeting so they can get back to work.

LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® is different in that it encourages 100% participation from 100% of the people present. Using three-dimensional objects to represent ideas creates a safer environment for them to be discussed and understood.

What is LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®, and why do we use it?

LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® is a method for placing thoughts and ideas into three-dimensional objects so they can be better seen, understood, discussed and resolved.

Lego Serious PlayAn LSP workshop brings together your entire team in a highly focused environment and requires 100% participation from 100% of the people present. Instead of striving for an agreed upon idea created by the majority, an LSP workshop strives for a shared vision, allowing everyone to have a voice and leading to incredible insights and increased buy-in from everyone at the table.

The results are amazing.

Participants gain a deep understanding of their team’s goals, values and priorities and a clear path forward for achieving them.

Facilitating a session further helps Uptimize Marketing understand your business more quickly and thoroughly so we can develop and implement marketing plans that really work!

While we don’t have to use the LSP method to develop strategy, it is our preferred method because the results are so efficient and clear. Plus, it's all done with LEGO bricks, so what could be more fun?

Interested in learning more?

Live LSP Demo

Come and join us for a memorable peek into LSP and how it can take your team's creativity and collaboration to the next level.

Case Study

We have helped many clients develop winning elevator pitches that incorporate company value propositions and target markets.

Lego Serious Play
LSP is most effective in-person; however, if you are not located in the Oklahoma City area or cannot easily get here, we can still find ways to work together. Contact us any time to learn more or discuss options.

What workshops are offered?

Workshops generally last a half or full day, but can be custom built around your specific needs. Our most popular workshops are:

  • Team Building – Half or full day sessions designed around developing a team and defining some simple guiding principles that help them make better decisions going forward.
  • Elevator Pitch – A half- day session to define in simple terms what the company does. A refined elevator pitch that is used throughout an organization can be a powerful marketing tool.
  • Unique Value Proposition – A half day session used to better understand either the value the organization offers to the market place. Understanding and communicating value is a powerful marketing tool that can have a solid impact on growth.
  • Individual Value Proposition – A half day workshop designed to help team members understand the value they add to the whole, and what happens if or when one team member is not able to fully perform his or her duties.
  • Company Values Development – a half day workshop designed to develop the values or attributes of the organization as a whole. Values are important guidelines that can help steer the decision-making process for everyone in the organization.
  • Customer landscape – A powerful workshop that can help organizations understand their various target clients and identify which ones are the easiest to gain and which ones might present the most resistance.